My Mothers Wrangler Bluebell Denim Jeans

As I was folding my Mothers Wrangler Blue Jeans, I realized that these pair of jeans have been worn for over 65 years by three generations of women in my family. I remember my mother wearing her "old" jeans during her home improvement projects. I always loved the shape and color of these wranglers, from the stove pipe leg and side zip waist, to the unique wrangler patch on the back pocket. My Mother told stories of how she wore them in high school, rolled up with penny loafers. When I was finally big enough to wear these fabulous jeans, I stole them out of her closet and they became a staple in my wardrobe all through my high school years. I never purged these denim jeans and carried them with me throughout my life, they kept me connected with my mother throughout my adult years. When my daughters started high school, the tradition continued and they raided my closet, just as I did, and started wearing these unique Wrangler Blue Bell Jeans. But this time, not with penny loafers but with there own twist of footwear. Everytime I see one of my daughters wearing these jeans, I snap a photo and send it to my Mother, to remind her of the unintended tradition she started 65 years ago.