We are updating our website, designs coming soon
I was a Senior in High School when I realized my dream of becoming a clothing designer. I dropped my pre-calc class so I could take sewing, and as soon as I realized I could make my own look that no one else had, I was hooked. I finished High School, put a portfolio together and was accecpted to Moore College of Art and Design in Philadelphia Pennsylvania to study fashion design.
Moore College was an all women's school founded in 1848 to educate women in the arts to design for the textile, fashion and home industry. Today, it is a BFA and Post Baccalaureate College with focuses in Fashion, Interior, Web, Motion Picture and Graphic Design. It is a school dedicated to the arts through and through. To this day, I am fascinated with the school's history and legacy, and how it has lived on to reach so many budding artist.
I still live close to the Philadelphia area, which makes me lucky enough to be an active alumni member, and I now have some of my work in the Art Shop at Moore! The Art Shop offers a unique shopping experience with a variety of art and design pieces made by Moore's current students, alongside emerging and established alumni.
Take a look at a few of the LPDstudio pieces in the Art Shop!
If you are in the Philadelphia, PA area, I encourage you to stop by, not only to shop, but to learn more about one of the first and only women’s visual arts college in the nation!
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about my work, please visit LPDstudios.com.
Photo credit to Traci Kloss Jones.
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